Synthetic Nature is a multi-media installation that explores and questions the complicated relationship between humans as consumers and their environments. The work consists of digital imagery of natural and urban scenes projected on a surface of recycled plastics. I invite viewers to reflect on the interplay between materials and images in relation to their own experiences. My aim is to create an immersive space, blending sensory and conceptual elements.
I collected recycled plastic materials obtained by saving the packaging from my consumption of goods. I cleaned, cut, sewed, stitched and bound the plastic into panels using household items such as string, thread, tape, lamination, and glue to fasten. The aim was to overpackage the packaging and create panels that could form a booth and serve as a substrate or screen for video projection. Intermingled with the recycling are photographs on acetate of natural and urban environments. Sample of panel in studio on the right. Easch panel is 32 by 42 inches.
I created a freestanding book by overpackaging photographs of fish, employing recycled plastic, and various household packing materials.
Linked to installation work thematically and materially.
I used various methods of packaging the packaging material.
The process to create the digital photographs of plastic included projecting through recycled plastic using an old school overhead projector. I took digital photographs of the images that were projected on the wall and altered them in photoshop. I used a household label maker to type words related to the environment and sustainability.
Process image of plastic on projector and image projected on wall.
Process image of bottle on projector and image on wall.
This is the full length video that was projected on the installation work Sy. The content which shows a walk through the woods to a lake is obscured, blurred, distorted, reflected, and revealed when projected onto the surface of the plastic panels. The plastic surface bcomes a seductive and unstable projection screen, bringing fastcinating variation to the imagery. The indexicality of the plastic material is subverted by the projected moving imagery of nature becoming distorted upon projection.